Empowering grown-ups to talk climate with kids

In our recent survey, over a third of parents said they would love to teach their kids more about climate change if they had the right tools or ideas. They are just not feeling equipped!

This feeling was replicated across our research interviews with teachers too, who as a resounding chorus said they want to teach about climate and sustainability … but don’t feel comfortable or knowledgeable enough to do so.

The good news is, at Be The Future our ears were burning and we have listened!

As we are very much still on our mission to make sustainability playful, and not just for the kids, we have created a series of workshops to help you do exactly that.

The workshops are suitable for anyone who cares about sustainability and has young children in their lives - whether a parent, grandparent, auntie, uncle, long lost cousin, childminder, teacher, or babysitter. 

As this is the first time we have run this series, and whilst we iron out any inevitable tech issues (there’s bound to be at least 34 a day at this end) we are running the series at the bargain introductory price of £60 for ALL 4 WORKSHOPS. 

Get ‘em in the calendar >>

The sessions are on Tuesday evenings from 7.30 - 9 PM UK time, starting 17th October.

However, Helen’s diary being the ‘chaotic organisation’ that it is, it is not on consecutive weeks. But the break in the middle will give some lovely rtime for reflection and applying the techniques.

You get ALL 4 sessions for ONE bargain price of £60

Here are the dates >>>

  • 17th October

  • 24th October

    >> 2 week break>>

  • 14th November

  • 21st November

Here’s what the interactive workshops are about:

  1. Hold onto hope:
    Building with hope and positivity in the kids - and you!

  2. Confidence to talk climate:
    Tips around language, answering awkward questions & avoiding stammering out a question that answers nothing 😂

  3. Little people, big feelings:
    Strategies for managing their (and your) eco-anxiety

  4. Power of play:
    Tips for using play & storytelling in eco-action

Photo credit: The Lookout Mosman

Coal Loader children's sustainability workshop

Photo credit: The Coal Loader Centre for Sustainability

The sessions

Each workshop will be 90 minutes in total - 60 minutes (recorded) of content, followed by half an hour of co-play (not recorded) where you can ask me questions, brainstorm together or download your brain.

The first hour of each will be recorded so you can catch up on anything you miss, or revisit the content, but you will defo benefit from attending live. As attendees may be discussing personal challenges the co-working part will not be recorded (though I will provide a summary of any key points/questions that come up if the person involved is happy to share).

You will also get access to the Be The Future PLAYground - a hub where you can get your eyes and ears on the recordings grab some bonus resources, share ideas, and ask any questions over the course of the series. 

The source of our knowledge

We’ve combined: 

  • Our own A to G conversation framework which we have developed with a child clinical psychologist extraordinaire and that provides a basis for these workshops and our overall approach.

  • Our 3-part framework for playful sustainable action

  • Our experience running playful sustainability workshops for children

  • Experience as a sustainability coach trained by The Climate Coaches and The Strozzi Institute

  • UK teaching experience from primary to adult and prison education (teaching art therapy there is an experience I tell thee!)

  • Our learned experiences - a wealth of eco knowledge and learning by experience (getting things very right and very wrong)

  • Combined parental experience (Sally) and life as a ‘silly auntie’ (Helen AKA Auntie Heron)


Will the sessions be recorded?

The first hour of each will be recorded so you can catch up on anything you miss, or revisit the content, but you will defo benefit from attending live. As attendees may be discussing personal challenges the co-working part will not be recorded (though I will provide a summary of any key points/questions that come up if the person involved is happy to share).

Will the series be running again?

If all goes to plan and I don’t get rotten fruit thrown at me, yes they will indeed. Sign up to our newsletter to be  the first to hear more. 

Can I just get the recordings? 

Providing all goes well there will be a self-study version following soon. We will iron out any kinks and check the content is 100% then get it recorded. We want to make sure the content is all the best it can be before we record it so we don’t have to do 95 takes (like our previous video efforts…).

We just love being on camera… not. 

The workshop hosts ⬇️

Nice to meet you! We’re Sally & Helen.

Though Helen is the fishy ‘face’ of these workshops and doing the delivery (thanks to the past life as a lecturer/teacher), the sessions are very much a combination of both our many and varied skills.

Helen’s an educator, designer, award-winning author and big child, based in West Yorkshire, UK. She’s also a gold-level clumsy noggin who’s guaranteed to be the one who face-plants on entering that room.

Sally’s an environmentalist, writer and award-winning founder based in Sydney, Austraaalia. She’s also guaranteed to be the shortest person in any room. 

We’ve both got kids in our lives: Sally has a son and Helen has a nephew.

And we want them - and the children in your life - to have a thriving future on this amazing planet.